Welcome back to another school year! We hope your child is as excited as we are. Kindergarten has already began and Preschool starts next week. We will be CLOSED on Monday Sept. 5th for Labor Day. Have a wonderful holiday.
We will be having some small playground construction this month. We are installing some new grass in some areas to provide some soft areas to sit on our playgrounds. Thank you for being patient with our construction.
Summer Camp
Summer Camp was a huge success this year. Our field trips were amazing and the kids had a spectacular time. Sign ups for next summer will be posted in March. We have attached some pictures below of the water slides we visited this summer. Thank you Teacher Deana and Judy! We are already looking forward to next year!
Scholastic Book Orders
Scholastic Books are back! Your child’s teacher will give you a catalog. We always have extras in the office as well if needed. Books orders are due to the office by Monday Sept. 26th.
Transportation for the 2011-2012 School Year
If we are transporting your child please be sure that you write a clear Yes or No on their bus schedules. It is very important to talk to your child about coming straight to the bus after school lets out so we can get to all our schools on time. If you feel it is necessary, please inform your child’s teacher that your child needs to catch our van after school.
Infants, Waddlers, & Toddlers
It is still very warm outside so please make sure we have enough labeled sunscreen here for our walks and outside time. Please label ALL your child’s diapers, wipes, cups, bottles, blankets, and extra clothes. Don’t forget to take home your Cuddle-Gram each day and check the diaper board for your baby’s needs even if you are picking up your child in a different room. Teachers will put items that need to go home in your baby’s cubbie. We are still hoping to get some of your family pictures so we can put them on display in our room!
Miss Nicolle – We will be having a class birthday party on Tuesday, Sept. 13th for Birthday Week. We will be making a cake and playing birthday games! Potty training is going great in our class. Please make sure to work hard at home too and please come to me with any comments or questions. Please make sure that there is always a full change of clothes in your child’s cubbie.
Miss Mayra – Please label all of your child’s clothes and items with their first and last name. Don’t forget to check our art folders and take home your daily note that is posted on the door. If your child is here late at night be sure to come back to our room before you leave to collect your child’s items.
Miss Tamara – Welcome to our new class members! We are excited to have you. If you have any unwanted books, our class would be happy to take them off your hands to increase our library. Some of the children in our class do not have a full change of clothes in their cubbie; please check your child’s cubbie and make sure your child has a full change of clothes. Don’t forget to take home your child’s wonderful art work. Please remember to take home your child’s blanket once a week to be washed.
Miss Yoli – Wednesday, Sept. 7th Preschool Starts! Welcome to our new class members Bryant and Cadence! I will be giving you a class supply list, please have it here by September, 16th. Please inform the office if this list is not possible for you and we will make accommodations. Make sure your child has a blanket in their cubbie for quiet time and that it goes home once a week to be washed. One of our themes this month is Birthdays! Please talk to your child about when their birthday is. Please do not bring toys unless it is for Show-and-Tell. We will start Show-and-Tell in October. If your child wears a skirt or dress please have some kind of shorts on underneath. We are very excited and looking forward to this next preschool year!
We are so excited to start a new year of Preschool! We will be working very hard this year on reading, math, writing, and art. Our themes for September are Getting Acquainted, Fruit, Birthdays, Fall, and Careers. We will be working on the sound and spelling of letters A-D, counting and writing 1-20, and reviewing shapes and colors (circle, square, red, and yellow). We will be doing several art projects this month. If you have any extra of the following items: magazines, glitter, buttons, ribbon, wrapping paper, please donate them to Teacher Wendy. Thank You.
We are so excited to start another year of Kindergarten! Teacher Deana has an amazing year planned. Please check our curriculum calendar so you can see what letters were are working on and practice at home too. September, 6-9 we are talking about Families and Pets. Please send a family picture of your child’s family and/or pet if you have one. September 26-30 we will be talking about colors. Please dress your child in the colors listed on the days below.
Sept. 26- Red Sept. 27- Orange Sept. 28- Yellow
Sept. 29- Green Sept. 30 – Your favorite color
Sept. 30- Show and Tell (please bring one item, no weapons please)
Welcome back to another year of school! We hope you are having a great time making friends and meeting new teachers. We are starting a Homework Club after school so our students can work with teachers and other children together to learn and complete assignments. Please remind your child to remember to put all their belongings in their backpack.
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Tender Years Child Care & Learning Center