Our kids participated in so many amazing activities in October! Our field trips, parties, projects, and Halloween parade were wonderful. We hope your children had a great time celebrating Halloween with us. This month Tender Years is very grateful for all the wonderful children and families that we so proudly serve.
Tender Years will be CLOSED on Thursday November 24th for Thanksgiving. We will have a sign up sheet posted in the office for Friday November 25th. Please indicate on the sheet whether your child WILL or WILL NOT be here so we know how many children to be staffed for. We need at least 20 children to open that day.
Halloween Parade
Our Halloween Parade was fantastic this year! We had a great turn out and appreciate all the support we received that day. Thank you to our wonderful teachers for getting all the kids ready and making it such a fun day with many Halloween activities and parties. The children also really enjoyed the assembly on Tuesday with a magician. Check out the pictures below!
Our pictures should be arriving very shortly. Every child that had their picture taken will receive a packet with several different pictures varying in sizes, backgrounds, and poses. Your packet will also have a price sheet. You do not have to purchase any pictures if you do not want them. If you choose to purchase some, just match the number of sheets to your price, pay with a check to the office, and take your pictures home that very day! Please refer to the office if you have any questions. We are excited to see how wonderful they turned out.
Scholastic Book Orders
Scholastic Books are back! Your child’s teacher will give you a catalog. We always have extras in the office as well. Book orders are due to the office by Monday, November 28th.
Teacher Training
We hope you have enjoyed the bulletin boards posted by our teachers that outline all the rules we have to learn and follow. On top of this, all teachers are required to acquire and renew CPR/First Aid and a food handlers permit and complete 20 hours of training. Many parents have commented to us that they didn’t realize how much we require our teachers to train and follow. We hope this has helped give you a glimpse into how hard these teachers work. We appreciate every single one of them!
Thank you for supporting our box top and label program!
From the Classrooms
Infants, Waddlers, & Toddlers
Our baby rooms recently had their annual observation by the state for our Baby Steps Program. Our teachers did amazing and the observers commented that our program is one of the best they have ever seen. We are so proud of these baby teachers and the quality care they give. This month we are working on self help skills such as holding bottles/sippies and feeding themselves (older babies). Our new babies are working on grasping while the older ones are practicing putting toys together. Thank you for helping with our Box Top program! We reached our goal and would like to reach it again quickly. Don’t forget to check the diaper board regularly to see your baby’s needs. Please make sure that their change of clothes here is weather appropriate. Please try not to leave car seats here unless it is absolutely necessary; they take up a lot of space in our room.
Miss Nicolle – Our class will be making Miss Nicole’s famous Pumpkin Pie the week of November 14th in honor of Thanksgiving. We will be working on colors the first two weeks of November. Please check our curriculum calendar that is posted outside our door so you know the color of the day and what to dress your child in. Please make sure all your child’s belongings are labeled and that they have a weather appropriate change of clothes here at all times. Potty Training Tip: there are many rewards you can give your child (toys, candy, stickers, etc) but nothing works better than PRAISE! Give your child lots of positive reinforcement, hugs, kisses, and love when they are working on their potty training.
Miss Mayra – We will be having a Thanksgiving Party on Monday, November 21st. If you would like to send a treat with your child to share please remember that it must be store bought. We will be discussing colors and gratitude a lot this month. Try to discuss this at home as well. The weather is getting colder and it is still important for us to get fresh air so we will still be going outside. Please make sure your child has a coat that is labeled. Make sure to check your child’s coat hook every day. There are many accidents with potty training and the coat hooks is usually where we hang the clothes that need to be taken home and washed. Please check our whiteboard for more announcements and take blankets home once a week to be washed. Be sure to check your child’s art folder so you can take home their wonderful creations.
Miss Tamara – This month we are talking about colors! Please check our calendar outside our door to see what the color of the day is so your child can wear the color. Don’t forget to clip and bring in your Box Tops and Campbell’s Soup labels for our fundraiser program. Please check your child’s art folder on a regular basis. They are proud of their work and want to share it with you. As Thanksgiving approaches I would love to thank all you wonderful parents for the great job you do raising these wonderful children and letting me be a part of their lives.
Miss Yoli – We are working on colors this month and what we are thankful for. Our letters for this month are H-K and numbers 8-10. Please practice at home. Make sure your child is dressed in the color of the day (refer to chart below). Talk with your child about being thankful and what they are thankful for so they can share that with the class when we discuss it. We are beginning to practice for our Christmas Program in December. Friday November 25th is Pajama Day! Don’t forget to send your child with their backpack and class folder every day as well as a jacket. Please do not send toys from home as they get lost and often cause fights. Happy Birthday Elijah Jones on Nov. 14th.
COLOR DAYS! 1st – Yellow 2nd – Pink 3rd – Green 4th – Purple 7th – Orange 8th – Blue 9th – Rainbow 10th – Brown 11th – Black and White
This month our themes are colors, rhyming, poetry, Thanksgiving, and self concepts. Our reading goals are letters H, I, and J with a review of letters A-J. Our math goal is numbers 20-40. Please remember to always have a jacket or coat since the weather has changed. Please label them as well. We are sad to report that Teacher Wendy will be leaving us this month; she is moving to Michigan with her family. We will miss her very much and will have a farewell party on November 15th. Teacher Wendy has loved her time with this class and will miss them every day. We are excited to introduce our new Preschool teacher, Carol! Teacher Carol has taught Kindergarten and Preschool and has a wonderful personality. She is very warm and gentle and we know the children will all adore her. She will be in the class with Teacher Wendy these next two weeks to help make an easy transition and get to know the class.
A big “thank you” to all the kids for a great field trip last month to Black Island Farms. They behaved wonderfully! If your child has morning Kindergarten it is important that they arrive at the center no later then 7:45 AM so we can leave on time. The snow will be coming soon and we will be leaving slightly earlier. We are beginning to practice for our Christmas Program. There will be lots of singing, movement, and art in preparation for this annual event!
Themes for November:
7-11: Shapes
14-18: Native American Culture
21-25: Thanksgiving
28-Dec.2: Transportation
Please check my posted curriculum for details on what we are working on.
Our field trip last month to Black Island Farms was fantastic. We had a very large group and they all behaved wonderfully. We were very proud of how they represented our school. Thank you Miguel and Penny for volunteering to come with us! Homework club continues to go great. Teacher Judy is fluent in Spanish and helps out a lot with many of the children’s Spanish homework. If you have any extra dictionaries, thesauruses, Spanish/English dictionaries or encyclopedias at home we would happily take them off your hands for Homework Club. If your child does not have homework they need to read a library book for awhile so we can keep the focus in the room until free play. Thank You
We are proud and honored to be a part of your child’s physical, social, and educational development.
Jessica Drage, Owner
Tender Years Child Care & Learning Center