We are so excited to have added more technology to our classrooms. We have added more computers to the older children’s classrooms and the Big Three’s received a set of their own! We are currently installing reading, math, art, and problem solving programs onto them. It is amazing to watch these young children do things on computers that many of us never had the opportunity to do. Tender Years believes strongly in helping children become familiar with the technology world and we are privileged to bring this experience to your children.
Parent’s Night Out is April 15th from 5-11 PM. Go enjoy the night out while your child participates in great activities and art projects! $15.00 for the entire night!
Spring Break Field Trips
Deana is planning a set of field trips the week of Spring Break (April 4-8 for traditional and A track and April 7-8 for all other tracks). If you would like to participate please sign up on the list in the Kindergarten room under the clock. Space is limited.
Kona Ice Day
On Friday April 8th all children will get to participate in Kona Ice Day! The Kona Ice truck will be here at 10:00 AM and each child will get their own cup to fill and eat. The treats are $1.50 each. If you would like your child to participate please make sure they are here that day before 10:00 AM.
Easter Egg Hunt
Our annual Easter Egg hunt will be Friday April 22nd.
Summer Camp
Our Summer Camp sign up is filling up quickly! If you have not yet reserved your spot you’ll want to do so. Deana has many incredible activities planned that your child won’t want to miss!
Scholastic Book Orders
Scholastic catalogs are handed out by teachers and there are also extras in the office, be sure to pick one up. Ordering books through Scholastic is the least expensive way to buy books for your children. Book orders are due April 25th.
Bringing the Theater to Tender Years
You have probably heard from your child that Peter Pan and Captain Hook came to visit. This is true! Some darling students from a local high school are performing the play Peter Pan. We arranged to have them come perform and it was wonderful! The children were absolutely mesmerized the entire time. We were very happy to use the wonderful community of Clearfield to bring an arts experience to our center and look forward to more. We were able to get some pictures that are shown below!
We love to put a lot of pictures on display for the children to look at. If we do not have a family picture from you yet, please bring one that we can display. Very soon we will be going on walks in our wonderful strollers. Please make sure your child has a coat or jacket. If it is possible, please leave car seats in your cars. We have limited space and the children try to climb in them. Of course, if it is necessary to leave the seat, you are welcome to. Be sure to check out your child’s art work on display in the rooms!
Miss Nicolle – If possible, please bring in an empty one gallon plastic ice cream bucket by April 15th. We will be making baskets out of them for our Easter Egg Hunt on Friday April 22nd. Please make sure that your child always has a complete extra outift in their cubby that is weather appropriate. our potty training is going great! Many of the children have made excellent progress; be sure to keep up the practice at home! Please always feel free to come ask Teacher Nicolle for tips. She is the master at potty training!
Miss Mayra – Please remember to check and make sure that your child always has a complete change of clothes in their cubby that is weather appropriate. If it is possible, please bring in an empty one gallon plastic ice cream bucket so we can use it to make a basket for our Easter Egg Hunt on Friday April 22nd. Please bring this in as soon as possible so we can begin decorating. Please let Teacher Mayra know if this is not possible and we will provide one. Don’t forget to turn in your Box Tops and Campbell Soup labels!
Miss Tamara – Please check your child’s art folder every week and take home the wonderful projects they have completed. If possible, please bring an empty milk carton that we can make baskets out of for the Easter Egg Hunt. Please try to not bring toys from home; they often get lost or cause fights. We have many wonderful toys for the children to play with. Please remember to take your child’s blanket home on Friday, wash it, and return it on Monday.
Miss Yoli – April 1st is Hat Day and April 22nd is our Easter Egg Hunt! If it’s possible, please bring in an empty one gallon plastic ice cream bucket as soon as you can. We will be making baskets out of them. Please let Teacher Yoli know if this isn’t possible and we will provide a bucket. Please try to keep toys at home because it is easy to get them mixed up with ours and they often get lost. Friday is Show and Tell and your child is welcome to bring one item to share. Don’t forget to take your child’s blanket home for the weekend to be washed and returned on Monday. Please turn in your Box Top and Campbell Soup labels!
Just a reminder, if you would like your child to eat breakfast here it is served from 8:30 – 9:05. Circle Time begins right at 9:15. During this time we talk about weather, the calendar, letters and shapes, practice counting, and introduce new topics. Be sure not to miss it! Our wonderful preschool teachers have prepared some amazing packets that you can do at home with your child. Please let Teacher Deana or Teacher Wendy know if you would like one. Our preschool year is coming to a close at the end of May and there will be a big graduation celebration! We are so proud of the progress they have made this year in reading, writing, and math. This specific group not only learned all the letters and sounds of the alphabet, but have now moved on to sight words! Way to go! Each week, a letter will be going home with your child which lists the sight words we are working on so you can practice at home! Please bring a picture of your pet (if you have one) on April 25th.
Don’t forget to sign up for the Spring Break field trips! The sign up is in the Kindergarten room under the clock. Friday Fun Day is the day for your child to bring a toy or DS games. If your child brings DS games they MUST be rated “E”. Teacher Deana is very proud of her Kindergartners this year. They have mastered so many skills that are on a 1st grade level. Keep reading with them at home, this helps them a great deal. Parent’s Night Out is on April 15th from 5-11 PM and will cost only $15. Go enjoy a night out! Each week Teacher Deana will send home a letter listing all the sight words we are working on so you can practice at home! Please bring a picture of your pet (if you have one) on April 25th.
Spring Break field trip sign ups are in the Kindergarten Room under the clock; be sure to sign up. Summer Camp sign ups are posted in the hall and are filling up quickly; reserve your spot today! Parent’s Night Out is April 15th from 5-11 and will cost only $15. Sign up in the office.
We are proud and honored to be a part of your child’s physical, social, and educational development.
Jessica Drage, Owner
Tender Years Child Care & Learning Center