We have been enjoying the summer here at Tender Years and we still have another month to go. Make sure that your child has enough sunscreen to get them through these hot days.
You may have noticed that we had new lighting installed throughout the center. It wasn’t cheap but it was worth it! The classrooms are now much brighter and “warm”.
Summer Camp will be extended for two more weeks (more details below).
School will be starting soon. Be sure to put your child’s name on the Transportation list and inform us of any details we may need to know about their schedule.
Summer Camp Extension
Summer Camp has been going wonderfully this year. We are very proud of our teachers and students and have received many compliments on the kids’ behavior from employees at the facilities we are attending. We are happy to announce that we are extending Summer Camp for two more weeks. Many schools are not starting until after Labor Day so Summer Camp will continue through the end of August. There are sign up sheets posted in the hallway and these fill up very quickly. Be sure to get your name on there to reserve your spot.
Transportation for 2012-2013 School Year
The 2012-2013 school year is fast approaching. We have posted in our hallway a sign up list for transportation for the next school year. Every school that we transport to is listed. Please put your child’s name on the list if we will be transporting them next year.
Doughnuts with Dad
We enjoyed having many of our wonderful Dads and Grandpas for breakfast to celebrate their love and dedication to their children. Thanks for being awesome!
Kona Ice Day
Kona Ice is scheduled for Friday, August 3rd and Friday, August 24th. The van will be here at 10:00 AM. If your child participates, $1.50 will be added to your account. These will be our last Kona Ice Days for this summer.
Scholastic Book Orders
Scholastic book orders are not running during the summer months. They will continue in September.
July 30 – August 3: SLUMBER UNDER THE MOON (2-3 yr. olds)
THE GREAT OUTDOORS (4-5 yr. old’s)
August 6-10: FOSSIL DIG
August 13-17: WILD WEST FUN
*Please check your child’s class calendar for special events and the month’s math and reading goals. This month, 2-3 year old’s are working on reviewing all letters and numbers. Four to Five year old’s are working on blending small words and counting and writing numbers 90-100.
From the Classrooms
Infants, Waddlers, & Toddlers
Our tiny babies are working on holding their own bottles and cups and many of our Waddlers are learning to walk and sit at a table! Our Toddlers are enjoying a lot of music and movement and learning self help skills. If your baby can walk please make sure they wear shoes for outside and gym play. Please check your baby’s extra change of clothes to make sure they have everything they need and that their clothes are weather appropriate. Please remember to use the West door when entering the Infant or Waddler room so we can keep outside shoes off of the carpet as much as possible. Make sure your baby has labeled sunscreen for the month. And of course, don’t forget to check our diaper board regularly. Thank you!
Miss Nicolle – We have so many fun things happening this month. We will be camping in our room, going on a fossil dig, and learning about the West and the beach. We are also going to be focusing a lot on manners. Please remember to label all of your child’s belongings to prevent mix ups. Make sure that your child’s change of clothes in his or her cubbie is weather appropriate. Don’t forget to check your child’s art folder and take their daily note off the door. Potty Training Tip: Rewards, incentives, and verbal praise are a great way to turn potty training into a positive experience.
Miss Mayra – Our last month of summer we will be having a lot of activities and art centered around the season. This month we are working hard on reviewing letters A-Z and counting objects in our room. Please review at home too. Don’t forget to take blankets home on Fridays to be washed and returned on Monday. Make sure your child has enough sunscreen to get through the summer. Please do not bring toys from home. These toys very often get lost or create fights. Please leave them at home or in the car. Please label all your child’s belongings to prevent mix ups. If you take something on accident please return it to the teacher and check our classroom whiteboard regularly for announcements. Please bring your child to class in a clean diaper/pull up and check the coat hooks for any accidents that may have happened.
Miss Yoli – This will be our last month of preschool. Everyone will be starting pre-kindergarten shortly and we will miss you. This month we will be reviewing everything we have learned this past school year (letters, shapes, colors, numbers, counting, Spanish words, calendars, writing, etc). Please donate any child friendly magazines so we can use them for art projects. Please check your child’s cubbie to make sure they have a full change of clothes (everything from top to bottom including underwear) that is weather appropriate. It is also very important that your child has enough labeled sunscreen here to get through the summer. Thank you!
What a fun summer we have had. Our class has enjoyed many activities and projects. We have really loved growing plants and creating habitats for classroom pets. This month we will be focusing on colors and counting. Please make sure your child has enough sunscreen to make it through the rest of the summer. Preschool will be starting again shortly and we are excited for the new upcoming year.
Summer Camp has been so much fun this year. We are already looking forward to next year! Please make sure your child has a FULL water bottle every day as they need lots of water. The days that we are going skating, and to the bouncers the children MUST have socks. Thank you for making sure that they do. August 16th is the Fair! This is always one of the children’s favorite field trips. It will be all day so make sure your child has a backpack with extra clothes, water, and anything else they may need. Thank you for helping this be a great summer!
Teacher Kimberly has done a wonderful job in our Summer Program. The children have loved being with her and enjoyed the great activities. This month they will have Water Day every Thursday. Your child may bring a squirt bottle (please no squirt guns) to leave here. Please label your bottle. Fridays will be “Fun Day”. Your child may bring an item for Show-and-Tell. We also watch a movie every Friday and children are welcome to bring a store bought treat to share if they would like.
We are proud and honored to be a part of your child’s physical, social, and educational development.
Jessica Drage, Owner
Tender Years Child Care & Learning Center