The month of December will be a busy one here at Tender Years! The teachers have a lot of activities, projects, and parties planned for the holiday season. Make sure to check your child’s curriculum board and check in with their teacher regularly. Our annual Christmas Program will be Dec. 20th. Ages two and up will participate. Details are listed below.
The holidays fall on an interesting schedule this year. Christmas and New Years Day are both on a Sunday. Therefore, Tender Years will NOT be closed any days the month of December. However, we realize that parents will probably be getting an extra day or two off. Therefore, it is EXTREMELY important that you let us know of any days when your child will not be with us. It is crucial to have this information when planning our teachers’ schedules and we would love to give some of them time off during the holidays. Please try to have good communication with the office so we can plan accordingly.
Every year Tender Years sponsors one of our family’s Christmas. Diane will be sending out a flyer that lists the items our family is in need of. There is no obligation to participate in this but if you are able and would like to help please read the flyer and let Miss Diane know what you plan to contribute. There will also be a donation box at our Christmas program for the family. Thank you for your support!
Christmas Program
Our annual Christmas Program will be held on Tuesday, December 20th at 7:00 PM. We are asking that all the children arrive at 6:40 PM so they can prepare for the program. All children ages two and older will participate in the program. The program will be held at the Alpine Church in Layton which is the same location it was held last year. The address is 254 West 2675 North in Layton and all parents will be given a map to the church. As usual, we will be accepting donations for our Sub-for-Santa and cans for the food bank at the front entrance. The children have been practicing the entire month of November and will continue through this month as well. The program should last about 45 minutes and all families and relatives are welcome to attend. We can’t wait for you too see what they have been working on.
Scholastic Book Orders
I will be doing the Scholastic orders much earlier this month to ensure the books arrive before Christmas! Your child’s teacher will give you a catalog. We always have extras in the office as well. Book orders are due to the office by Monday, December 12th.
Santa Clause
Santa will be visiting Tender Years on Wednesday, December 14th at 10:00 am. Every child will have the opportunity to sit with Santa and chat. Santa will bring every child a special treat!
Thank you for supporting our box top and label program!
From the Classrooms
Infants, Waddlers, & Toddlers
This month we are working on self help skills such as holding bottles/sippies and feeding themselves (older babies). Make sure you are using sippy cups at home as well. Our young babies are working on rolling over. We will be having a Holiday party in our baby rooms on Wednesday, December 21st. If you would like to bring a store bought treat to share you are welcome to. Don’t forget to check the diaper board regularly to see your baby’s needs. Please make sure that their change of clothes here is weather appropriate. Please try not to leave car seats here unless it is absolutely necessary; they take up a lot of space in our room.
Miss Nicolle – We are so excited for the Christmas Program on December 20th and have been practicing very hard! For the program, please dress your child in a RED top and BLACK bottoms if possible. We will be talking about different cultures and holidays this month. We will have a Holiday Party on Thursday, December 15th. Please send your child with a gender-neutral wrapped gift (please only spend $1-5, nothing expensive). Please let Miss Nicolle know if this is not possible and we will provide one. Make sure to label ALL your child’s belongings, especially coats. Don’t forget to get your child’s daily note that is taped to our door and check their art folder. Potty Training Tip for the Month: You can’t force your child to use the toilet. Instead make sure to give them lots of opportunities to practice. Make frequent trips to the bathroom so that they can try to go and become familiar with the room and process.
Miss Mayra – We can’t wait for the Christmas Program on December 20th and have been working hard to memorize our Christmas songs! For the program, please dress your child in a RED top and BLACK bottoms if possible. We will be talking about different cultures and holidays this month. We will have a Holiday Party on Thursday December 15th. Please send your child with a gender-neutral wrapped gift (please only spend $1-5, nothing expensive). If this is not possible please let Miss Mayra know and we will provide one. It would be very helpful if you could have your gift here by the 13th. Don’t forget to check our coat rack for coats and dirty clothes that need to be washed. Make sure to take your child’s blanket home once a week to be washed. Check your child’s art folder at least once a week. Have a wonderful holiday season!
Miss Yoli – We have a lot of special dates to remember this month. Friday, December 2nd and 16th will be Show-and-Tell. Friday, December 9th and Wednesday, December 21st will be Pajama Day. Our Christmas Program is December 20th and we have been working so hard to prepare. Please try to dress your child in a RED top and BLACK bottoms for the program. We will have a class holiday party on Wednesday, December 21st. You are welcome to bring a store bought treat if you would like (enough for 20) but certainly are not required. Wear your favorite Christmas pajamas for our party. Please check our themes for the month that are listed above. We are practicing letters K-L and reviewing letters A-L and numbers 11-12 and reviewing numbers 1-12. We have been working hard on writing our names, please practice at home. Please make sure all jackets/coats have your child’s name labeled in them and place their coat and backpack on the hook with their name on it. Happy Birthday Cole on December 7th!
Teacher Carol has had a great time getting to know the class. She is so excited to be in the Pre-K classroom and loves the children. This month we will be talking a lot about the holidays and how they are celebrated in different cultures and parts of the world. We are practicing letters K – M and reviewing letters A-M. Will be doing a lot of special art work this month to turn our class into a Winter Wonderland! Mark your calendars for our Christmas Program on December 20th. We are practicing every day and excited to show you what we’ve got! Please donate your extra or unwanted magazines for future projects we will be working on. We will be having a Winter party in December. The date will be announced when we finalize the party.
We are very excited for our Christmas program on December 20th! We have some really fun songs we are doing this year and can’t wait to perform. Please try to dress in a RED top with BLACK bottoms if possible. Miss Deana will be sending home reading lists for your Kindergartner, please have your child read to you. This month we are talking about Christmas around the world. If you have any experience with Christmas in another culture please talk to Deana. December 23rd will be Pajama Day (please no slippers). Miss Deana will start planning Summer Camp in January and would love to come to some of our parents work place. Please talk to her if you are interested in having us take a field trip to your job location!
Our Christmas Program is on December 20th! We are working on creating a new library in our room. If you have any unwanted books we will happily take them off your hands. We would also love donations of tissue boxes and Spanish/English dictionaries for Homework Club if possible. Please label all your child’s coats so we don’t have any mix ups.
We are proud and honored to be a part of your child’s physical, social, and educational development.
Jessica Drage, Owner
Tender Years Child Care & Learning Center