Spring is fast approaching us! We will be having many projects and activities centered around this wonderful season. Many classrooms will have St. Patrick’s Parties and the beginning of April will be our annual Egg Hunt. Please remember to set your clocks forward an hour on Sunday March 11th for Daylight Savings. Teacher Deana is planning field trips for the week of Spring Break (April 3-5). A sign up sheet will be posted in her room later this month.
Even though the weather has been warmer than usual, please make sure your child comes each day with a coat that is labeled. We are taking the children outside regularly to play and get fresh air.
Summer Camp
It’s already time to start thinking about the summer! Those of you who have been a part of summer camp in the past know how amazing it is. If this is your child’s first year you are in for a treat. The children spend the entire summer engaged in activities and the community instead of sitting on a couch. The sign ups for Summer Camp will be posted in the hallway the first week of March. Make sure to reserve your spot because they fill up very quickly and there is limited space. Teacher Deana and Teacher Judy have some awesome plans for this year like going to water parks, museums, the Utah State Fair, roller skating, movies, and a trout farm along with many fun arts and craft projects.
Scholastic Book Orders
Scholastic book orders will be due by Monday March 26th. Your child’s teacher will send a catalog home with them and there are always extras in the office.
Feb. 27 – Mar. 2: DINOSAURS
Mar. 5-9: PIGS (2-3 yr. olds)
ANIMAL HABITATS (4-5 yr. olds)
Mar. 12-16: ST. PATRICK’S DAY
Mar. 19-23: SPRING
Mar. 26-30: FARM
*Please check your child’s class calendar for special events and the month’s math and reading goals. This month, 2-3 year olds are working on letters T-V and reviewing P-V and counting and writing numbers 1-20. Four to Five year olds are working on letters U-W and reviewing letters R-W, sounds and spellings, and counting and writing numbers 60 – 70.
From the Classrooms
Infants, Waddlers, & Toddlers
This month we are working on self help skills such as holding bottles/sippies and self feeding (older babies). Make sure you are using sippy cups at home as well. Our young babies are working on rolling over. Be sure to wear green on Friday March 16th for St. Patrick’s Day. Don’t forget to check the diaper board regularly to see your baby’s needs. Please make sure that their change of clothes here is weather appropriate. Please try not to leave car seats here unless it is absolutely necessary; they take up a lot of space in our room.
Miss Nicolle – Our St. Patrick’s Day Party will be on Friday, March 16th. Please wear green! We will also be doing two special food projects for St. Patrick’s Day. Check your child’s cubbie and make sure they have a full extra pair of clothes which is very important for potty training. Don’t forget to pick up your child’s daily note that is taped to our door. Monthly Potty Training Tip: Some children have a hard time going with someone else in the room or they can become to reliant on you being right next to them. Try standing in the hallway at a distance where you can still hear and talk to your child.
Miss Mayra – We will have a St. Patrick’s Day party on Friday, March 16th! Make sure you wear green. If you have any extra crib sheets that you are no longer using please donate them to our class. Please do not bring toys from home. This often causes fights among the children and your child would be very upset if the toy got lost or broken. We have plenty of toys here for the children to use. Remember to take your child’s blanket home every week to be washed. Happy Birthday Clara C., Colton S., and Trena C.
Miss Yoli – Thank you to everyone who donated boxes for our Valentine’s Day Party. The kids had a wonderful time decorating their box and delivering their cards. Be sure to wear green on Friday March 16th. We will be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day on the 16th. Please try to send a blanket that is small enough to fit in your child’s cubbie along with their change of clothes. We are always collecting Box Tops and Campbells Soup Labels for our school. Please collect yours at home and bring them in to help us earn points for a party. Please keep toys (action figures, stuffed animals, cards, books, etc.) at home. We have plenty of toys and items from home often get lost or cause arguments among the children. This month we are working on letters T-V and counting and writing numbers 1-20. Please practice at home too!
We will be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day on Friday the 16th! Make sure to wear green and bring something green to class that day. We will be talking about what St. Patrick’s Day is about and why the color green is associated with it. We are working very hard on writing our first and last names. Please practice at home as well. Check your child’s basket in their cubbie and make sure that they have a full change of clothes that is weather appropriate.
This month our class will be visited by Leprechauns! They always play silly tricks on us throughout the month of March and usually leave us clues and treats. We will have a St. Patrick’s Day Party on Friday, March 16th. Please wear green and if you would like to bring a treat to share make sure it is store bought. We will have some field trips you can sign up for the week of Spring Break (April 3-5). Look for a sign up sheet in the Kindergarten room. Turn in your Box Tops and cans and sign up for SUMMER CAMP! Be sure to look at our curriculum calendar to see what lessons and goals we are working on this month. Happy Birthday Luke H. on the 8th and Rochelle M. on the 9th.
We will be having some field trips the week of Spring Break (April 3-5). There will be a sign up sheet posted in the Kindergarten Room. Be sure to sign up for SUMMER CAMP! March 12-16 is early out for A Track. Traditional track is out on March 19th. North Davis Prep is out on March 30th. Homework Club is going great. Please let Teacher Judy know if you need her to focus on anything particular for your child. Please label all coats and belongings with a first and last name. We are collecting unwanted books and child friendly magazines for our classroom. Please donate any that you have.
We are proud and honored to be a part of your child’s physical, social, and educational development.
Jessica Drage, Owner
Tender Years Child Care & Learning Center