We had so many wonderful activities in April – Kona Ice, Magic Shows, Egg Hunts, and Field Trips. We hope your children enjoy the extra special activities our staff provides.
We will be CLOSED Monday, May 28th for Memorial Day. Happy Mother’s Day to all of our amazing mothers on Sunday, May 13th. Thank you for all you do for your fantastic children.
Summer Camp
Our Summer Camp slots are nearly full. We still have some openings but they are filling up quickly. The Summer Camp shirts will be ordered soon. Please put a shirt size preference next to your child’s name on the sign up list. Classic Skating is also offering a season pass for $40.00. We will be going to many Classic facilities this summer. If you are attending most of summer camp you would definitely save money by buying a pass. If you would like more information please ask Teacher Deana.
Easter Egg Hunt
Even though it snowed the day of our Egg Hunt, our resourceful director, Diane, still made it happen! Thank you Diane and all the teachers who made this possible. Enjoy the pictures below!
Kona Ice Day
All the children are still talking about Kona Ice day. They are continuing to ask when it is coming back. We will have more Kona Ice days this summer and will remind you each month in the newsletter. Our next one is scheduled for Friday, June 8th.
Scholastic Book Orders
Scholastic book orders will be due by Monday, May 28th. Your child’s teacher will send a catalog home with them and there are always extras in the office.
Apr 30 – May 4: FAMILIES
May 7-11: EXTENDED FAMILIES (2-3 yr. olds)
REPTILES (4-5 yr. olds)
May 14-18: FROGS (2-3 yr. olds)
AMPHIBIANS (4-5 yr. olds)
May 21-25: CIRCUS (2-3 yr. olds)
BIRDS (4-5 yr. olds)
May 28 – June 1: MICE (2-3 yr. olds)
GRAPHING (4-5 yr. olds)
*Please check your child’s class calendar for special events and the month’s math and reading goals. This month, 2-3 year olds are working on reviewing A-V and counting objects in the classroom. Four to Five year olds are working on reviewing letters A-Z, sounds and spellings, and counting and writing numbers 80-90.
From the Classrooms
Infants, Waddlers, & Toddlers
We want to wish all of our beautiful mothers a Happy Mother’s Day. Please check your baby’s extra change of clothes to make sure they have everything they need and that they are weather appropriate. Don’t forget sunscreen! We will be doing a lot more things outdoors (walks, water days, playground, etc.) and it is important that each child has labeled sunscreen. We will be having a water day on May 23rd. We will have small tubs of water to splash hands and feet in and spray bottles. The babies will not get soaking wet. Please let Karla know if you have any questions. And of course, don’t forget to check our diaper board regularly. Thank you!
Miss Nicolle – Happy Mother’s Day to all you great moms! We are excited to make special projects for you. This month we will also be talking a lot about families and sharing things about our families that make them special. If you have not brought in some labeled sunscreen for your child yet please bring some as soon as possible. We go outside at least twice a day and we want to keep your child’s skin healthy. Please remember to label all of your child’s belongings to prevent mix ups. Make sure that your child’s change of clothes in his or her cubbie is weather appropriate. Potty Training Tip: Try leaving a stack of books near the potty so your child can take their time and have something fun to do.
Miss Mayra – Happy Mothers day to our great moms! This month we are talking about families. Please send a family picture that can be cut with your child as soon as possible. Don’t forget to take blankets home on Fridays to be washed and returned on Mondays. Please make sure we have a labeled bottle of sunscreen for your child because we go outside often. Please label all your child’s belongings and check our classroom whiteboard regularly for announcements. Happy Birthday to Chance on May 19th and to Allison on May 29th.
Miss Yoli – We are working very hard this month on recognizing all the letters in our name. We will be reviewing all the letters of the alphabet throughout the summer to prepare for the pre-kindergarten class next year. We are also working on manners. This month we are focusing on raising your hand when you would like a turn to talk. The weather is turning quite warm. Please check your child’s cubbie to make sure they have a full change of clothes that is weather appropriate. It is also very important that your child has labeled sunscreen here. We are going outside at least twice a day and we need a sunscreen release form filled out as well as a bottle of your preferred sunscreen. Thank you!
This month is very special because we will be having our preschool graduation ceremony. We will notify you with the date and time as soon as it is finalized. We are all so proud of the accomplishments this class has made in just one school year. This month we are focusing on spelling our first and last names along with subtraction. It is now that time of year when the sun shines bright and we play outside! Therefore, it is very important that every child has a labeled bottle of sunscreen here and that every parent signs a sunscreen release form. Please direct any questions regarding this to Teacher Carol or Diane.
It’s time to celebrate our kindergarteners! Graduation is here and we are so proud of our students. They have learned so much this year and are more than ready for 1st grade. Our graduation will be on Wednesday, May 30th and we will inform you of the time. There will be a sign up sheet in Teacher Deana’s room under the clock so we know who will be attending. You will receive more information as the date gets closer. Teacher Deana would like her Kindergarteners to know how much she loves them and wish them luck in the 1st grade. This month we will be reviewing everything we have learned this year and practicing our graduation program. There will be a walking field trip this month so we can pick up a special surprise for our mothers. We will let you know the exact date and time when we clarify it. Please make sure whatever shoe your child wears has some kind of strap around the heel. Flip flops are very dangerous on our playground as they make the children trip or slip easily. Thank you!
Homework Club has been a huge success this year. As the school year comes to a close please let Teacher Judy know if your child has any make-up work or tests to prepare for. Please label all coats and belongings with a first and last name. We are collecting unwanted books and child friendly magazines for our classroom. Please donate any that you have.
Be sure to sign up for Summer Camp! There are only a few spots left and we have some awesome activities planned.
Important Dates:
May 3rd: C track is off
May 18th: B track is off
May 25th: Last day for North Davis Prep
May 28th: Memorial Day all Schools and Center CLOSED
May 30th: Last Day for Syracuse Arts Academy
We are proud and honored to be a part of your child’s physical, social, and educational development.
Jessica Drage, Owner
Tender Years Child Care & Learning Center